Wednesday 19 June 2019


Image result for empanadas
Today in room four we got to eat Empanadas which are a native dish from Argentina. It looks like a Korean Dumpling but it most definitely is not. The ingredients are Puff Pastry, Paprika, Mild spice, Onions, Mince, and Capsicum. When the scent hit my nose I immediately felt that it was very smoky with a hint of sweetness and spice. As I bit into it the texture was a satisfying softness. There was a meaty sweet taste and a hint of smokiness. You can definitely taste the meat and the sweet overpowered the spice. For Mrs Stones first attempt at cooking Empanadas I would give her a 9 out of 10. Mui Bien!


  1. Hi Bethan, It's Amira It's amazing how you descried those Empanadas it made me so hungry now I want Empanadas. I wish I could of been there with you and the rest of room 4 to try those Empanadas. I really didn't know that Empanadas were from Argentina. I was just wondering what's so similar between Korean dumplings and Empanadas? Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi Bethan,

    I really love the way you described the flavour of the empanada! You are making me hungry as well. Thanks for your feedback, I was pretty pleased with myself as well!


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