Sunday, 29 December 2019

Star Wars: the Rise of Skywalker.

Image result for rise of skywalkerYesterday Auntie Fiona, Auntie Hazel, Uncle Colin and I went to see Star wars the rise of Skywalker. The Finale to the worldfamous program did not dissapoint. We were given the surprising Identity of Rey and I'm not sure anyone was ready for it to be honest. However I'm not spoiling, because that wouldn't be fair. We were introduced to new characters who might be key in giving us a new storyline in the star wars universe and learned the pasts of some other more well known characters. The emperor was as predictable as ever to be honest, he's too sharp to be fooled. The rebellion tried to fool him and he knew about it. I kinda wasn't surprised. But he still stayed as one of those characters you love to hate which is exactly my relationship with Emperor Palpatine. Rey can spend the rest of her life being happy, knowing who she is and I'm glad the franchise ended like this.
May the Force Be with you my fellow Jedi readers.


  1. #jediLife :) we watched that movie too - toran fell asleep in it lol xx

  2. May the force be with you Earth Traveler.

  3. Hi
    I have been trying to comment but it keeps saying publishing and nothing coming up so I hope you dont get like 4 comments from me by accident!
    Great review and I am glad the final order was not for celery xxx
    PS its me Jayne


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