Friday 6 September 2019

Animal testing

Walt: Use correct paragraph structure
What is animal testing? Animal testing is the act of taking animals and using them to test things that may or may not affect humans. Typically this is carried out to find cures for diseases or product testing. The opinions on animal testing vary from person to person. However, animal testing is still something we do to this day. And it needs to stop.

The animals that scientists typically use vary from species to species. It is often lab-grown mice, however, cats, dogs, hamsters, farm animals, guinea pigs, and even nonhuman primates (Gorillas, monkey, etc) are also used. Primates. They test on our cousins. The cousins we work so hard to keep alive. How would they feel?

Some animal testing is even pointless. People are just doing the same tests again and again. All to gain money. Money that they already have lots of . They test over and over again because of competition and money, they want to find their own results instead of using those found by a different company. They slowly make progress repeating a test over and over again without any results and then move on to the next test, repeating this slow agonising process.

We also test make up products on animals. A lot of new makeup products with new ingredients get tested on animals like bunnies or guinea pigs. They make new dangerous products when they already have lots of other safe makeup products. They don't need all these new products when we already have so many and we should instead reuse the ingredients that have already been proven safe.

Animal testing is inhumane. People may see it as a way to solve problems but in reality, we just add more problems. Try to minimize the encouragement of animal testing. Use animal testing free products and trust more reliable labels. Let’s make this world animal cruelty free.

Task Description: For this task I made a new doc and put it into my writing folder. I wrote my five paragraph essay and then, checked for spelling and grammar mistakes. I posted it onto my blog with a Walt, Task Description, Labels, and a Title.

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