Friday 20 September 2019

How to be a good son/daughter?

Walt: Write engaging introductions

Are you a good son or daughter? Some kids aren’t sure. This essay will give you some helpful tips on how to be a good son or daughter.

Listen. One thing parents hate is when their kid doesn’t listen to them, and that doesn’t just mean hearing. Listening is when you look at your parents when they talk and actually process what they’re saying. Then once you’ve processed what they’ve said actually go and do it.

Help around. Parents love it when they’re kids are helpful around the house. Especially when you do it without being asked. Try little things, like washing the dishes or even just bringing in the groceries and it’ll make things a lot easier for your parents. Helping around truly has its advantages.

Be thankful. Your parents do a lot for you. They feed you, clothe you, put a roof over your heads. That’s just a tiny portion of how much love your parents put into you. So say thank you and show it through your actions. Maybe even give your parents a massage when they come home from work, or give them breakfast in bed in the morning. Your parents want to feel loved and appreciated too.

I’m sure these three tips will definitely make your parents happier with you. Your actions reflect your thoughts. When your parents will see that your thinking about them and how they feel, they’ll be extremely happy with you.

Task Description: For this task I made a new doc in my writing folder. Before actually writing I brainstormed ideas for the body paragraphs. Once I finished writing my essay I posted it onto my blog with a Walt, a Task Description, a Title, and Labels.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetheart, very mature kaupapa for a young person. Well done. Three tips to be a good son or daughter or person - a member of society. I shall take these tips and apply them to my life. Have a good last week at school! :)


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