Friday 31 May 2019

Pig by Roald Dahl Review [Warning Spoilers]

Image result for pig roald dahl In Class we we're reading a text called pig By Roald Dahl It's about a young boy called Lexington who lives with his great aunt Glosspan. Aunt Glosspan dies one night and Lexington must go to a lawyer to get money from her will. He ends up being a bit hungry and goes to a restaurant, and ends up ordering Pork and cabbage. He tries the pork and loves it talks to the cook and ends up going to the butcher they got the pork from. That's where the story gets good so i won't spoil it for you. It was really good I liked the twist ending and the way the language features make you want to know what happens next. The one thing is that the start is a bit slow bu overall a good book.


  1. Hello Bethan,
    I'm Nikita from YMS, This really caught my eye because of how disturbing the cover was, Maybe next time you could add more of the story info but cut it off at the part where they find out the shocking truth? in other ways I really enjoyed it, Its amusing and really a way to lure in readers! Keep up the great work.

    1. Hi Nikita!
      I'm glad you liked my book review. I'll Take in your advice and next time add in information. Thanks for the comment!


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