Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey, Week 3, Day 1, activities 1,2,3.

For the first activity I had to tell the readers on my blog what Time of year i think they should come over to visit. I usually like early spring or late winter because you get to visit New Zealand in two of its main weathers because New Zealand seasons are basically just Winter and Summer now. That is the time of year I think tourist should come to New Zealand at.
The second activity was to list down five things we can do in the summer to keep ourselves from getting sunburns.
The first thing you can do is put on sunscreen all over that uncovered parts of your body and even a few centimetres into the opening of your clothes. Remember the sun can get to places you don't think it can.
The second way to look after yourself when in the sun is to keep on applying the sunscreen after the previous coat wears off. Just because you put on sunscreen doesn't mean you are immune to sunburn.
The third way you can keep yourself from getting a sunburn is if you keep most of yourself covered. That way you only need to coat some areas of skin.
If you haven't go sunscreen on you you can cover yourself with something like a blanket or an umbrella.
The last way to take care of yourself if you don't have anything like sunscreen or an umbrella is to simply stay insode with a fan or air conditioning on.
For the third task we had to post a picture of a graph with this information: The hottest temperature on record in each place is: Dallol: 41oC; Dasht-e Loot: 71oC; Tirat Zvi: 54oC; Kabili: 55oC; Bandar-e Mahshahr: 51oC. I did the graph in that order.


  1. Hello Bethan!

    My name is Daniel and I am part of the Summer Learning Journey program. Well done on completing all of day 1 for the third week! You've done an amazing job so far. Dasht-e Lut sounds like an incredibly hot place! Just remember to double check your work before posting because there are a few mistakes. Anyway, keep up the amazing work Bethan!


  2. Malo E Lelei Bethan ,

    What a Lovely post you have done , My favourtive part of this activity is that you drawed your graph on Paper instead of using your Chromebook your such creative with your work !!!

    Warm Regards ,

  3. Kia Ora Bethan,

    You have done such an amazing job blogging in the summer holidays. I've really enjoyed the blog posts that come from you as most of them are really creative and different from other posts. Overall I've really enjoyed your blogging this summer holidays. Keep up the incredible work and continue blogging!

    What place most interested you of the amount of warmth they have?

    Kind Regards,

  4. Hi Bethan,

    I am thrilled to see you participating in the summer learning journey! I was especially happy to see your graph -revisiting graphing will really pay off when we look at more graphs next year (such fun!).

    I also really liked your advice about using sunscreen - we both know how important this is and you gave great advice about being sunsmart.

    Keep up the great work
    Mrs Stone


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