Friday 1 March 2019

How to be a good Leader

Walt: Follow the structure of an explanation.
How to be a good leader is a particularly hard question to answer. It’s a very opinionated question, and there many different leaders in different eyes of different people. So in this piece of writing I will give examples of different types of leaders.

Responsibility. This is a trait that most people associate with leadership. Responsibility is the characteristic that in most people is taking the blame or baring the weight of a certain situation. Often leaders do this and try to work it out with a little bit of help from the people closest to them. A phrase commonly associated with responsibility is “take responsibility for your actions”. Well some people think that leaders do that a lot.

Respect. Another trait associated with leadership is Respect. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration and support. It’s also a way to say “I recognise you as a person and I understand that you are the same as me but also not, so I will treat you properly.” Good leaders know how to show this trait and people respect them for it.

Kindness. Ruling with an iron fist is not really the best thing to do. It shows fear and fear does not earn respect. Kind leaders are often respected by most people who wish to also be respected. When people are scared of a leader they’re more likely to turn their back on the person ruling with an iron fist.

So there you have it a bit of a summary on How to be a good leader. Responsibility, Respect and Kindness. These traits are the key things for a good leader. Hopefully for those who wish to become a leader you will take these traits as suggestions and keep them in mind.

Task Description: For this task I made a google doc and filed it. I wrote down things that make a good leader.  I posted it onto my blog, making sure I posted it to a high standard with a Walt, a Task Description, and Labels.


  1. Hi Bethan,

    This was a great quick explanation! You used words and phrases that matched the tone of an explanation and you explained one main idea per paragraph. Next we will work on topic sentences and sentence structure.

  2. hi bethan it is nice to see your work and how well you done and i love your work and the moive that you done thank you for your lovey work

  3. Hi Bethan,
    I enjoyed reading your interesting comments on what it means to be a en effective leader.
    I thought that your 3 headings of Responsibility, Respect and Kindness are thoughtful and provoking as they also align with our school values. You are a model leader in your role as a Prefect and I love listening to you share your mihi and your participation at assembly.
    Keep up the awesome job that you do. You make a positive difference of being a great example for others to follow and it shows!
    From Mrs Carter.


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